Lose the World and Gain my Soul

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“What does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose their soul?”

I have a confession to make. Sometimes I find myself focusing too much of the things “of this world”. So many things occupy my mind and spirit and sometimes I feel like I am being tossed about in the sea of life. In those moments I realize I have lost my soul. No, I haven’t become some heartless, selfish monster. But I have allowed things that are truly shallow in meaning to cut deep and chip away at myself.

Recently, I have grown to have a passion for social media. It connects me to so many inspiring athletes and keeps me up to date on the latest from my favorite celebrities. But, it can also be a huge source of anxiety for me. Reading comments from men and women tearing apart women that compete (often just as a hobby) for the shorts they wear, or for “sucking up” or whatever form of pettiness or fragile masculinity wants to rear its ugly head that week. Since those comments can be made at the click of a mouse or the tap of a screen that negativity can spread just as fast. A community of strong men and women where people should find solace in can sometimes make me hate the sport and admittedly judge myself. What role do I play in this? Do I add fuel to the fire of destructive comments or do I calmly educate or when mentally necessary, disengage? Do I focus on using what little social platform I have to be a voice for the underrepresented in the fitness world or do I join the choir of those complaining? Do I shy away from being an advocate for fear of losing followers? Or do I chose to be the whisper amongst the shouts of judgment and vanity?

“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”

Then there is work. I wake up knowing my job isn’t quite my passion and that disconnect is a fact. This fact becomes an issue arises when I dwell on the things I dislike more than I am grateful to even have a job that allows me to pay bills. The issue is when I complain more than I thank God. Years ago I prayed to have a job that was a promotion and in the mundane tasks that aren’t quite ‘fulfilling’ I should lift them up to his glory. I remember the days when I would have given my right foot to be where I am. Rather than complain I should do the best I have. There are many opportunities to grow and flourish in the valleys and plateaus of our lives.

It all boils down to the virtue of stewardship. Understanding that EVERYTHING that I have is a blessing. Even some of the opportunities to struggle. I offer up my success, accomplishments, skills, passions, trials, imperfections, and talents to God to be used for his work. I ultimately gain more than I give up. I lose the world but gain an anchor that holds me firm even in the sea of life that threatens to wash me away.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
