The new year is a time when we look to new possibilities and when declarations and goals are made to set the tone for the next 365 days ahead. Naturally, we cannot look ahead without examining lessons learned from the year before.

No one can argue that 2020 will go down as the most challenging year for so many people on so many levels. You can also argue that amidst the muck there were many gems that occurred. For some it was a renewed sense of strength in the face of adversity, for others it was reconnecting relationships due to lockdown, or for others, it was starting a new job or hustle out of necessity or passion.
Here are three gems I learned for myself last year that will help me as I grow into the more restful, bold, and resilient version of myself I was meant to be.
- Rest is a right, not a reward. I cannot be the only one who is used to the hamster wheel of life being the norm. I was always taught that idle minds or hands were wasteful. Somehow that coupled with the hyper-productive “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” mentality made rest something to earn and not something to prioritize. Being forced to shut down and stay inside really made me enjoy rest, true rest. No more sitting and thinking about the next activity without fully enjoying the current one. There was nowhere I HAD to be.

The result meant that I truly was able to unwind and reset. The result actually made me more productive and creative. I was happier in my work and happier in my downtime with my husband. After discovering a few medical issues I have prioritized rest, even more, the result has meant the world to my overall health.
“I have also repelled those that would wish to silence me and found allies in the quest for justice.“
- Don’t be afraid of bolding speaking up. The unrest that took place last summer has emboldened many people including myself. No more are people afraid to speak out about issues they are passionate about. I have always called myself a social justice warrior but found myself more passive than active in my passion for equity and racial justice. As a Black woman, I was shaken by the series of violent attacks on Black lives suddenly, finally on display. This also meant that I was asked to speak and use my experience as a diversity practitioner in new and bolder ways. The positive of this has been finding my own voice and using it in a way that moves the needle towards justice in my community and region. I have also repelled those that would wish to silence me and found allies in the quest for justice. I hope to continue to lean into this boldness of voice in all topics that impassion me.
- Resilience lies in the peaks and the valleys and cannot be achieved alone. I have learned, begrudgingly to lean into help. Even in a year where so many people have felt isolated or lonely, we have had to lean into the community. Accepting help from friends and family and professionals has been extremely humbling as a fiercely independent humble woman, but it has also made me stronger and braver. I have taken on things like my podcast and speaking opportunities because I finally really trusted in my support system. I invested in my mental health by seeking out a therapist and in my spiritual health by starting a small group for BIPOC women. Continuing to trust God, trust those who love me, and trust myself has been a major part of growing into a more resilient and powerful version of myself. I cannot wait to see how far I come in this new year.
“Continuing to trust God, trust those who love me, and trust myself has been a major part of growing into a more resilient and powerful version of myself.”